Customer service, how can we help?
Regardless of whether you are already our customer or thinking of becoming one, do not hesitate to contact us.
Telephone service Jakobstad: Mon-Fri 10-15
Tel: (06) 781 5300
Köpmansgatan 10, 86600 Jakobstad
Telephone service Ylivieska: Mon-Fri 10-15
Tel: (08) 411 0400
Torikuja 3, 84100 Ylivieska
Calls to Herrfors customer service are recorded to ensure quality and resolve possible disputes.

Frequently asked questions
Document archive
Find all documents regarding Herrfors Nät-Verkko. If you notice that a document is missing, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.

Online services
Run your errands fast, easily and when it suits you best. At the moment you can find our online services only in Finnish and Swedish.
Check my electricity consumption
Check my district heating consumption