Electricity prices valid from 1.9.2023 until further notice.
Sign Contract
What suits you best?
Spot electricity
Check your details and the product you selected then click on submit to complete the agreement
Obtained after authentication
Obtained after authentication
Telephone Number
Second Person First Name
Second Person Last Name
Second Person Email
Second Person Social Security Number
Place of use details
Street Address
Billing Information
Street Address
Wished start date
Estimated usage, kWh/year
Billing interval
{{form.selectedProduct.calculatedPrices.seasonalFee_27}} cnt/kWh
{{form.selectedProduct.calculatedPrices.seasonalFee_73}} cnt/kWh
{{form.selectedProduct.calculatedPrices.dayFee}} cnt/kWh
{{form.selectedProduct.calculatedPrices.nightFee}} cnt/kWh

Questions about plans?
Our customer service is happy to help you with questions about our power plans. Customer service hours between 10-15
(06) 781 5300